Recovering from a Dental Bone Graft: What Can You Expect?

April 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 5:33 pm
Illustration of bone graft being placed in tooth socket

In some cases, a bone graft is necessary to fortify a patient’s jaw before they receive dental implants. While the prospect of undergoing this surgery can seem a bit intimidating, you can be confident that it is a necessary part of your journey toward a strong, complete smile. Still, you may have questions about what to expect after your dental bone graft surgery. This blog post provides a basic guide that can prepare you for the road ahead.


Do You Really Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

February 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 2:25 pm
Illustration of an impacted wisdom tooth in the lower arch

The vast majority of adults in the United States – more than 90%, in fact – have their wisdom teeth taken out. However, this procedure isn’t always necessary; some people are able to keep their wisdom teeth without issue. Is wisdom teeth extraction actually needed in your case? Here are the facts that can help you find the answer to this question.


Fear-Free Sedation Dentistry: Overcoming Common Triggers of Dental Anxiety

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 9:03 pm
A young woman feeling the effects of sedation dentistry before treatment

For many patients, the mere thought of visiting the dentist gives them a sense of hesitation or fear. Whether rooted in past experiences or common misconceptions, dental anxiety can prevent people from seeking essential oral care. But why are these patients so afraid? And what can be done to help them? Sedation dentistry may hold the key.

If you want to learn about common reasons for dental anxiety and how sedation dentistry can help, continue reading.


True Dental Implant Information: 3 Facts You Didn’t Already Know

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 8:59 pm
Two dental implants next to each other on a light blue background

Dental implants are often considered the pinnacle of dental restorations because they both look and function more like natural teeth than other options. Despite this, many people hesitate to move forward with treatment because they have a misunderstanding or heard false information. That means many patients miss out on the many unique advantages they provide out of fear!  Keep reading to learn 3 interesting facts that you might not already know about dental implants so you can make an informed decision.


Is Dry Socket a Real Threat? Here’s What You Need to Know

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 8:55 pm
A man in pain due to dry socket

Tooth extractions are a last resort in your dentist’s arsenal of treatments. If a tooth has enough damage or decay to warrant an extraction, understand that it’s the only option. Though the procedure is painless, it will leave behind a small hole in your gums and jawbone called a socket. This must be protected through the healing process, or dry socket can occur.

But what is dry socket? Continue reading to learn more about this painful condition and what you can do to heal.


How to Overcome Your Fear of Tooth Extractions

September 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 5:47 pm
Happy patient smiling after tooth extraction

Due to decay, advanced gum disease, or other circumstances, it can become necessary to remove one or more teeth. If that ever happens to you, you may feel disappointed or even fearful. After all, your teeth are part of you — the prospect of parting with them can be unpleasant. How can you overcome your fear of tooth extractions and go into your procedure with confidence? Here are some helpful tips:


Why You Might Need a Sinus Lift Before Your Dental Implant Surgery

August 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 2:10 pm
Illustration of dental implants placed after a sinus lift

When you first visit your oral surgeon to ask about having dental implants placed, it’s important to keep in mind that they might suggest having preliminary work done first. One major example is a sinus lift. What exactly is this procedure, and why is it often a necessary part of the dental implant process? Here is what you need to know.


What Does Sedation Dentistry Feel Like?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 2:25 pm
patient undergoing dental sedation

Sedation dentistry constitutes a specialized field aimed at utilizing medications to induce relaxation and comfort during dental procedures. Ahead of your appointment, your dental professionals will engage in a dialogue about diverse sedation alternatives, tailoring the selection to your specific requirements. If the concept of dental sedation is unfamiliar, you might find yourself inquisitive about the encounter. Join us in delving into the sensations connected with three prevalent categories of dental sedation.


How Safe Is Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

June 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 9:17 pm
child giving thumbs up while receiving nitrous oxide sedation

It’s surprising to learn that around 75% of Americans face dental-related anxiety to some extent. If visiting the dentist causes you significant stress, take solace in knowing that you are not alone. Thankfully, there are several approaches to alleviate dental anxiety, one of which is nitrous oxide sedation. But what exactly does nitrous oxide sedation entail, and most importantly, is it a safe option? Continue reading to explore the remarkable benefits and safety of this technique.


Preparing Your Smile for Dental Implants: 3 Preliminary Procedures You Might Need

May 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 12:58 pm
Illustration of a dental implant for the upper arch

Your oral surgeon will need to thoroughly examine your mouth and jaw at the beginning of the dental implant process. If they are able to confirm that there aren’t any problems, they can move forward with the surgery. But in some cases, they might determine that you will need to have a couple of procedures performed to make sure that you can have implants placed. Here are 3 preliminary procedures that you might need before the gaps in your grin can be filled.

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