Why You Should Consider Guided Dental Implant Surgery

September 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 6:17 pm
Woman smiling during her dental implant consultation.

Few options come close to replacing missing teeth as effectively as dental implants. They’re able to fully replicate the look, feel, and functionality of your natural teeth and provide you with a lasting solution that’s certain to change your life for the better. That said, you might have questions about how they’re placed. Typically, there are two main methods used: freehand placement and guided placement. Here’s a closer look at each and how to determine which is the better option for you.

Freehand Implant Placement

The first modern dental implant was installed into a patient’s jaw in the 60’s. Before much of the technology that’s used today to help dentists was available, they relied on freehand implant placement. That said, this tried-and-true method isn’t antiquated or ineffective by any means. One of the main benefits it comes with is a lower treatment cost; and everyone loves a cheaper and more affordable price tag!

Another great perk of going the freehand route is that the overall timeline is much faster than with guided placement. With the latter, your dentist might require you to come in for multiple appointments to prepare you for implants—but freehand placement usually only requires one visit, which is ideal if you have a busier schedule.

Guided Implant Placement

Despite the skill level of some specialists when it comes to freehand placement, there is still a small margin for error that can unfortunately sometimes lead to implant failure. If this deters you, guided implant placement does help to cover this thanks to the incredible amount of detail that goes into the digital planning. Consider two of the main benefits of this treatment method: the amount of assistance provided by technology and the quicker recovery period.

Due to the complex nature of implant placement, room for error does exist—but technology can do a lot to decrease this possibility. Digital impressions can be taken of your mouth to create a virtual environment, which is then used to find the exact and optimal positions for the future implants. A surgery guide is also fabricated that helps to keep everything precisely on track. The superior level of accuracy offered by this approach can make you feel much more confident about the procedure.

Another perk of guided implant placement is that it allows for a faster overall recovery. Your dentist is more easily able to avoid blood vessels and nerve endings as they work, meaning you experience less discomfort, and your mouth doesn’t have as much healing to do.

Picking the Best Option for Your Smile

While your dentist or oral surgeon will be the one to approve you for dental implants, you’ll still have some input as to how you’d like them placed. If cost is one of the biggest determining factors, freehand placement is typically cheaper. However, if you’re results-driven and looking for the best possible solution, guided implant placement utilizes the finest technology and tools at your dentist’s disposal.

When it comes to dental implants, the end result is incredible; it’s just a matter of choosing how you want to get there! Talking with your dentist can help you make an informed decision about which method is best for you—that said, guided implant placement will often achieve optimal results.

About the Author

Dr. Hasnain Shinwari received his dental doctorate from Boston University and is a proud member of several professional organizations including the American Dental Association, the Virginia Dental Association, and the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. His practice in Dumfries is pleased to offer many available services including dental implants. If you have any questions about dental implant surgery or would like to arrange a consultation, feel free to contact the practice online or by phone: (703) 574-4717.

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