How to Overcome Your Fear of Tooth Extractions

September 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiaoralfacialsurgery @ 5:47 pm
Happy patient smiling after tooth extraction

Due to decay, advanced gum disease, or other circumstances, it can become necessary to remove one or more teeth. If that ever happens to you, you may feel disappointed or even fearful. After all, your teeth are part of you — the prospect of parting with them can be unpleasant. How can you overcome your fear of tooth extractions and go into your procedure with confidence? Here are some helpful tips:

Be Well-Informed

There is an old adage that says knowledge is power. That is true when it comes to tooth extractions! Do not hesitate to ask lots of questions about what will happen during your procedure and what you can expect during your recovery period. Knowing what lies ahead will prevent you from encountering any unpleasant surprises.

You should also ask your care team to thoroughly explain why it is necessary to remove your teeth. If you are convinced that there are no viable treatment alternatives, you may feel more comfortable about committing to tooth removal.

Ask About Sedation

During a standard tooth extraction, local anesthesia is used to numb the mouth. If you want even more help to have a comfortable experience, ask if you are a candidate for sedation. Sedatives can dull your response to pain and help you to stay calm and relaxed. Many people who are sedated during dental procedures do not even remember their procedure!

Listen to Music

If the sounds of the dental office tend to bother you, bring a set of headphones so you can listen to your favorite music. Research has repeatedly shown that music has positive effects on the human brain, so select some tunes that make you feel good! Alternatively, you could distract yourself by listening to a podcast or audiobook.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Many patients find that relaxation techniques can help to keep them calm during even the most stressful situations. Try inhaling for a count of four, holding your breath for a count of four, and exhaling for six counts. This simple exercise may slow your heart rate and relax the muscles throughout your body.

Bring Someone You Trust

It might comfort you to have a trusted friend or family member with you in the dental office. Simply knowing they are there to support you and drive you home could go a long way toward creating a positive experience.

Tooth extractions can be an intimidating experience! Use the tips in this article to combat your fears so you can move forward with as little anxiety as possible.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Shinwari of the Oral & Facial Surgery Center of Virginia has more than 15 years of experience as an oral surgeon. He and our team strive to create a positive experience for each patient. That is why we offer multiple forms of sedation. Whether you need one tooth extraction or several, we are eager to serve you. To learn more about us and how we can help you to enjoy a healthy smile, contact our Dumfries office at 703-574-4717.

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